Learn how to build awesome things with generative AI technology

Learn how to use Generative AI technologies from companies like OpenAI to build awesome products and boost your productivity.

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"Great place to build your GenAI skills."
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Sergei Varibrus

ML Engineer

"Get a jumpstart on building with AI here."
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Jose Torres

Founder, Boogio

"This site is packed with awesome content."
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Obatula Faud

Technical Writer

Hello! I’m Tobias Abdon. I’ve worked in tech for 20+ years at awesome companies like AWS and Twilio. No matter what I’m doing, or where I’m working, I’ve always had a passion to learn and teach.

When ChatGTP came out, I was hooked from the start. I learned as much as I could, as fast as I could. I built side projects such as memchat.ai, and integrated AI into an existing site I had, skillmix.io.

Like others, I'm a big believer that Generative AI is a true game changer. Our workflows and applications will never be the same.

Now, I’m on a mission to help developers learn how to build awesome applications that use Generative AI.

Build with AI, even if you don’t have a degree in Computer Science

The brilliant part about OpenAI and other GenAI services is that their tech is made available via web APIs.

You can tap into the awesome power of these innovations with web development skills, and a little understanding of how they work.

Once you learn how to work with these APIs, you can use them to enhance existing applications, or you create products to capture new markets and customers.

Conversational computing and beyond

The first wave of apps built in this space were some variation of “chat with your own data”. These apps are really cool, and have opened people’s eyes to what’s possible with this technology.

The truth is, there are untold apps and features that can benefit from services like OpenAI and Stability AI, across education, finance, productivity and more.

It’s the early days Generative AI, and a fantastic time to get involved.

What this site offers

Discover GenAI is all about education and insights related to the Generative AI industry.

Right now this includes AI projects, a prompt library, a prompt evaluator, and premium articles.

It’s all you need to get started on your journey. Here's a breakdown of what's included in the site package.

AI Courses

Kickstart your journey by completing our AI projects. There are currently 3 projects available, with more on the way.

You'll learn how to use technologies like OpenAI GPT-4, Django, and React to build full applications powered by AI.

This includes access to videos for some courses, and the entire sourcecode on GitHub.

Private ChatGPT App

Learn how to build your own ChatGPT application, complete with browsing history, private chats, and user login.

Commerce Chat App

Learn how to connect your chat app to your own database to let users shop and buy ecommerce items via chat.

Chat with Your Data

ChatGPT is great, but what if you want to chat with your own data? In this project you'll learn how to chat with custom data.

Prompt Library & Evaluator

LLMs like GPT-4 are an incredible resource, packed with an insane amount of knowledge and creative ability. To get the most out of them, you'll need to hone your prompt skills.

That's where we can help. We've built a library of prompts for common software dev tasks. We cover topics like Tailwind CSS, Django, React, and Python, with more in the pipeline.

We also have a built-in prompt evaluator, so you can test out our prompts in real-time.

Premium Articles

The AI space is complex, and moves really fast. To help you keep up with it, we publish premium articles.

These articles cover a range of topics, such as the basic of LLMs, what vector databases are, and how to use tools like LangChain.

pinecone db article

The Ultimate AI Resource for Developers

This is a comprehensive package for any developer who wants to join the AI revolution.

AI Courses

Expertly crafted courses that teach you how to build working applications that use tech from OpenAI, Stability AI, and others.

Premium Articles

Keep up with the fast-paced industry with our weekly premium articles that cover fundamental skills and analysis.

Prompts Library

Learn new tips and tricks from our prompt library. Includes an online prompt evaluator so you can easily try it out.

Covering tech from leading AI companies

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More Good Stuff

Our membership plans have everything you need to master AI development and 10x your productivity.

Course Videos

Members who sign up for a paid plan get access to our awesome course videos.

Prompt Library

Use our prompt library to kickstart your next tech project. Interactive evaluator included.

Online Access

Access your member content using our online member site.

LLM Fundamentals

Learn core LLM concepts and skills with our fundamentals content.


Download course content in ebook format, so you can access it anywhere.


Get full access to our project code repositories.


Hear the good things people have to say!

“Generative AI is one of the most exciting spaces in tech right now. If you haven’t started learning about it yet, get going! Discover GenAI is a great place to start.”

Fred Groen
Amazon Web Services

“At Boogio we’re evaluating how we can use GenAI in our app to provide a more customized experience to our smart insole customers. Our devs have learned a lot from the content on Discover GenAI.”

Jose Torres

“Highly recommend Discover GenAI to anyone who wants to learn about this technology. The prompt evaluator is really helpful.”

Odulaja Philip Temitayo
Udemy Instructor

“Discover GenAI is excellent resource for developers who want to learn about generative ai.”

Ricky Chaggar

“Very helpful developer resources at discovergen.ai. Great place to build your GenAI skills.”

Sergei Varibrus
Go Dev & ML Engineer

“Discover GenAI is packed with a ton of awesome content that's really helped me learn about GenAI.”

Obatula Faud
Technical Writer


Start learning about Generative AI today

Act now to lock-in a great deal.


$99 /one time

Get all of our content, minus the videos.

  • All AI Projects
  • All Prompts in the library
  • 500 Prompt Evaluator credits
  • All Premium Articles
Learn Gen AI Today!

Complete Package

$149 /one time

The full package, including video and more prompt credits.

  • Video access to all projects (where video is available)
  • All AI Projects
  • All Prompts in the library
  • 750 Prompt Evaluator credits
  • All Premium Articles
Learn Gen AI Today!


Get the inside observations and analysis with our articles.

Amazon, Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock Breakdown

Last week Amazon launched its Bedrock service to GA. They are playing catch up to OpenAI, who is the clear leader in this space right now. Even though they are launching a year after ChatGPT took the world by storm, there’s still plenty of opportunity for Amazon and its partners. In this article I’ll breakdown what Bedrock is, its key features, and what this means in the competitive landscape.

Tobias Abdon


OctoML, Stable Diffusion

How to Deploy a Stable Diffusion API Endpoint Model using OctoML

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to deploy your own Stable Diffusion model endpoint using OctoML.

Tobias Abdon


Prompts, OpenAI

6 Prompts for Generating Awesome Sales Content

We've put together 6 prompts for generating awesome sales content.

Tobias Abdon


GPT-4, Flask

Building Flask APIs for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), LangChain, and GPT-4

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique you can use to get a LLM to provide responses with your custom data. In this article you’ll learn how to build a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) app using Flask and LangChain.

Tobias Abdon


LLM, LangChain

Intro to LangChain

LangChain is a popular tool used to build LLM applications. This article explores the capabilities of LangChain.

Tobias Abdon


ChatGPT, OpenAI

Creating a Streaming Chat Application with Django & OpenAI: A Step-By-Step Guide

Building an AI chat app is one of the funnest projects you can build right now. If you’ve dabbled in Django and JavaScript, building a chat application with OpenAI streaming response can be a delightful challenge. In this blog post, we will walk you through creating a chat application that uses OpenAI to interactively stream responses.

Tobias Abdon


LLM, Frameworks

5 LLM Frameworks to Boost Your Productivity

As interest in LLM apps skyrockets, so too is developer tooling. In this article we look at five frameworks that will help you build complex LLM apps faster.

Tobias Abdon


EmbedChain, OpenAI

How to Chat with PDFs, Websites, and More using EmbedChain

Learn how to use EmbedChain to chat with PDFs, Websites, and More.

Tobias Abdon



Supercharging LLMs with Custom Data via Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have changed knowledge work forever. With a well thought out prompt, you can generate code, marketing content, or letters home to mom. In this article, we explore a technique to get LLMs to give answers that consider custom data.

Tobias Abdon
